The British Craft Trade Fair Harrogate 2017
I’ve just got back from the prestigious BCTF in Harrogate after a whirlwind three days of showcasing my Thrift Designs. Not only is it a fabulous opportunity to talk to existing customers and potential new buyers but it’s also an amazing opportunity to network with other makers.
I’m a relative newbie to the BCTF having only exhibited there once before as a ‘New Comer’. So leaving my stand to go and look at the other exhibitors was nerve-racking to say the least – you always think that as soon as you leave your stand, hundreds of buyers will descend wanting to place orders (which typically seems to happen). This year I was lucky enough to have a helper doing work experience with me for her BA degree at Uclan. So I was afforded the opportunity to go and investigate. Check out @missjonestextiles she’ll be hot stuff on the circuit in the next few years
There was an amazing array of talent to be seen and a lot of good advice to be taken from some of the show regulars. Everyone was so forthcoming with help and advice. It was one of the best networking experiences I’ve had with such a supportive community of British Makers.
A massive thank you and much appreciation to fellow stand holders;
Maxine from – Big Black House Design Co,
Tracy from – Ruby Spirit Designs,
Andrew from – Gobannos,
And Edwin from – SpiritLight gallery,
For your kind help and support, suggesting leads to follow up and even sending their buyers over to look at my stand!